Compare low cost and budget Flights to Spain with our Flight comparison tool.
Prices of Flights to Spain will vary and you will find that some airports are cheaper to fly out of than others. The cheapest Airport to fly out of is Madrid followed by Barcelona, Seville, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Palmade Mallorca, Bilbao, Malaga, Alicante and Murcia.
Chose to fly to one of Spain´s many airports:
Many of the major airports in Spain have good transport links to other cities in Spain. To check which bus connections and routes are possible you can check on Movelia.
To check for Train connections, both high-speed routes and other national routes go to Renfe.
If you are wishing to travel around Spain, rather than stay in one city there is an extensive network of internal Spanish flights. The following Spanish and low cost airlines all operate internal flights in Spain:
Finding the cheapest airline that flies to Spain, will depend on the time and date that you chose to travel. Always check what surcharges airlines have, as they all differ. Price per bag for luggage and amount of luggage permitted per person can also vary.
Updated 9th June 2023