There are many industrial parks in Spain that house industrial property for sale, used for Industrial purposes.
These include –
· Factory / office
· Factory / warehouse
· Heavy manufacturing buildings
· Light manufacturing buildings
· Research and development buildings
Depending on the type of business that you are wishing to run, you can choose from 8 different types of major industrial property types:
· Warehouse / Distribution buildings
These generally come with office space and have high ceiling heights to accommodate racking and storage systems.
· Manufacturing buildings (heavy industrial building)
These generally come with high capacity ventilation and three phase high capacity electricity. It the buildings are for food manufacturing, they will include refrigeration and other specialized food equipment.
· Flex buildings – Short for flexible buildings.
These buildings cover a wide range of uses and often combine more than one use in a single building.
· Refrigeration / Cold storage buildings
These generally have large capacity cold storage and freezer rooms.
· Telecom / Data hosting centres
These buildings will be located next to or near major communication trunk lines. They will also have re-enforced floors to support the weight of all the electrical equipment.
· Showroom buildings
These are similar to flex buildings, but with much more retail display space, large storage and distribution access.
· R&D buildings
Used for high technology industries, normally situated on a industrial park with lots of parking and open space.
· Light manufacturing buildings
Used for light assembly manufacturing, a space that does nor require the space that a heavy industrial building offers.
Updated 23rd Feb 2023