Most properties for sale in Spain are sold Freehold. Especially when talking about Villas, apartments and all other types of residential properties.
Commercial properties on the other hand can be purchased either Freehold or Leasehold.
Freehold meaning, you have the outright ownership of the property or land, this works the same way as purchasing a villa here in Spain.
The first and most important advantage is owning the property outright, therefore giving you an asset. As in all cases, hoping that your asset will appreciate in value the longer that you have the property.
Owning the freehold of the property means that you will not have to pay a monthly rent, unless of course you have a mortgage on the property.
With purchasing the freehold property, it gives you as the owner the choice to then run the business for yourself or lease the premises to secure yourself a monthly income.
The main disadvantage of purchasing a freehold property in Spain is the initial investment. The money needed to acquire the property outright, will be considerably more than starting up a business with a leasehold property. You may need to get a mortgage or loan in place to secure the freehold property.
Updated 24th Feb 2023